The Official Sharon Tate Fansite

Sharon Tate was born on January 24th, 1943,
that means that the 24th of January, 2003 will mark what would have been Sharon Tate's 60th Birthday.

Amazing that 33 years have passed since Sharon Tate was still alive in 1969, at the age of 26.

We all ask ourselves questions and wonder things like:
"Had she lived --what would Sharon look like right now?"
"How many movies would Sharon have made in her career?"
"Would Sharon have quit Hollywood after the the birth of her first child?"
"Would she still have been married to Roman Polanski?"
"How many more children she might have bore?"

However, these questions will never be answered,
since Sharon did died young. But, she will ALWAYS be young and beautiful to us.

That fact that Sharon is no longer here on earth with us should not stop us from acknowledging what would have been a milestone birthday for her. Anyway, we're quite sure she's watching us from heaven and would want us to reflect on the good times that she had in her beautiful, but short, life.

Therefore, you are now cordially invited to attend Sharon's 60th Birthday Celebration at her Cyber-Birthday Party which will take place on January 24th, 2003, right here on her website.

All you need to attend the party is your keyboard and your imagination.

You may start sending your "gifts" now --which will be placed on a special page and unveiled
on Sharon's Birthday...

Please send Poems, Prayers, Art Work, Tributes and E-Cards to:  

(Clarification: A lot of you are writing and assuming that Debra is the webmistress of this site... she's not...the webmistress is Debra's friend, Robin.)

Please sign Sharon's Birthday Guestbook.


What was Sharon like as a person?
What types of things did Sharon like to do?
What were her personal preferences?


What types of clothes did Sharon like to wear?
What ever happened to Prudence?
What was Sharon's favorite flower?
What was Sharon's preference for perfume, make up, lip stick, hand bags, shoes and accessories?
What brand of cigarettes did Sharon smoke?
What kind of music did Sharon like to listen to?
Did she have a sense of humor or was she serious?
Was Sharon a natural blonde?

These questions answered for the first time ever on Sharon's Birthday!
Debra shares some personal memories of Sharon in honor of her 60th birthday...some things only a sister knows...

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