The Official Sharon Tate Fansite

Sharon's Friends Remember...

Mia Farrow: "There was the perfection of her face, of course. And a radiance more usually found in children. There was a capacity for delight. And a directness to her comments. She was not a chatterbox. There was a kindness at the core. She somehow made her friends feel necessary and they loved her."

--From Roddy McDowall's book of photographs
"Double Exposure Take Two".

Robert Evans: "Just about the only really happily married couple I knew in Hollywood were Roman Polanski and Sharon Tate. Coming from a childhood of horror in Nazi occupied Poland, Roman couldn't believe he was the husband of this milk-fed American beauty. Sharon's movie career was just beginning to heat up after Valley of the Dolls. In Roman's eyes, she was already the brightest star in the world. Around his gentle, sun-kissed bride he was like a child who's just seen his first Christmas tree light up."
--Quoted from Robert Evans' book; The Kid Stays in the Picture.

Gene Gutowski: "She was absolutely a scene stealer and a show stopper."

From E! True Hollywood Story - Roman Polanski

Dominick Dunne: Jay (Sebring) had a private room for his steady clients so that they wouldn't have to be seen by the other customers. I had a regular appointment every third week, and it was in that room that I met Sharon Tate. She would often be sitting there in a chair, just to be with Jay as he worked. She looked so young that I thought at first she was coming there after school. She wore her blond hair straight and long. She was quiet and friendly and smiled a lot at our conversations. Jay was so proud of her. He couldn't stop looking at her. It was as if he couldn't believe he had a girlfriend that beautiful. I've never seen a guy more madly in love than Jay was with Sharon.
Dominick Dunne - Vanity Fair April 2001

Brian Morris: She was a very, very gentle person. Very gentle. Very much a flower power child. But not silly. She was very cool. Jeans looked very good on her. And she was the first one that wore a see through top, but it worked, you know, it was ok.
--E! THS - The Last Days of Sharon Tate

Herb Browar: She walked into my office and sat down across from me on the couch. I almost slid off my chair. I mean she was like a blast. And I'm looking at this girl and I'm saying, "My God, you know, she's really got something." And I said "she's not for television, she's for motion picture work."
--E! THS - The Last Days of Sharon Tate

Rex Reed: Sharon Tate came at me in sections. I first saw her on the Santa Monica pier, and all I could think of was: "This is the sexiest girl I ever saw in my life." She was wearing Italian sandals and tight blue jeans and a navy-blue T-shirt that made the most of her middrift; her hair was tied up in a man's silk print handkerchief and she wore absolutely no makeup, but nobody on the beach could see anything but her. It's almost embarrassing. Those fantastic cactus-green eyes pull you inside, but you can hardly look at them. Nobody recognized her but everybody stared. The Muscle Beach guys stopped paying attention to their teeny-bopper girl friends in their hip-hep bikinis. They were all looking at Sharon, wondering who she was, aware that they were in the midst of a very big presence.

Rex Reed - Cosmopolitan Magazine, January 1968

Martin Ransohoff: I agreed to see her. An hour later she came in with Hal Gefsky, her agent. She was 19 years old, she was absolutely beautiful. I mean Sharon was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.

E!THS - The Last Days of Sharon Tate

Nancy Kulp: Sharon was a lovely young woman. She always seemed a bit cautious when she was on set, as if she was still getting her footing. She was very sweet and seemed eager to learn, though I think she was perhaps a bit intimidated as well. I can't say that she mixed with the rest of the cast. I do remember her laughter though, which rang across the studio.

Quoted from the book- Sharon Tate and the Manson Murders, by Greg King.

Elaine Young: The day I met Sharon, I showed her the house on Cielo. Sharon wore no makeup and was wearing jeans and she was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. She was so excited and fell in love with the house. Sharon begged me to show the house to Roman. Sharon said I found her "dream house" and was skipping through the garden. We talked and became friends, I miss her. I support Sharon Tate for a "Star" on Hollywood Boulevard! Sharon was a sweet,beautiful person and very talented and deserving of this honor!!

Michael Musto: No one deserves a star on the Walk of Fame more than Sharon Tate. She embodied true movie star glamour and poignance with singular style.

Michael Musto - 12/3/01 Columnist for the Village Voice
Commentator for TV program New York Central


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